Wearable Takeover Podcast

Kai Frazier of Kai XR- Revolutionizing the Classroom Experience

KaI Frazier Season 3 Episode 2

Kai Frazier is an educator turned EdTech entrepreneur passionate about using tech to provide opportunities for underestimated communities.

She is the founder & CEO of Kai XR, which uses Metaverse technologies to develop critical 21st century skills in students preparing them for a rapidly evolving future.

Before creating Kai XR, Kai worked with several museums such as the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as well as the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture, specializing in digital strategy and educational content creation.

Her work has been featured with the US Department of Education, Forbes, NBC, NASDAQ, & more.













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Hello welcome to season 3 yes, can you believe it season 3 of wearable takeover podcasts so folks by the time you are listening to this. It should be July of 2023 or perhaps maybe beyond that timeframe and you. Should have witnessed some of our portfolio of founders and products that are just changing the world and providing solutions to problems that you face every single day and I'm super excited because we have a founder that I've been watching since before we changed our name to wearable tech ventures this is back when we were glam tech. Check out the articles folks if you don't know what I'm talking about to get that historical view. But I'm super excited about this young lady. Her name is Kai Fraser she's a founder and Ceo of Kai Xr now folks if you haven't heard of her yet. Ah man you will. Or you will have direct access to her products. Let me tell you a little bit about Kai Kayi Frazier is an educator turneded e tech entrepreneur who's passionate about using tech to provide opportunities for underestimated communities. She's the founder and Ceo of Kai Xr which uses metaverse technologies. To develop critical Twenty first century skills in students preparing them for a rapidly evolving future now before she created Kai Xr she worked with several museums such as the United States holocaust memorial museum as well as the Smithsonian National Museum Of african american history and culture.

Specializing in digital strategy and content creation. Her company is backed by techst stars anti-mobile and folks she's been featured in Forbes Nbc as well as the Steve Harvey show and so much more and you know what folks she's one of our honorary. Ah, weable tech founder ambassadors I'm super excited to bring her to the ecosystem and into the wearable takeover podcast. Let's give a virtual round of applause for Kae Fraser Kai where are you now honey I know you are all over world. Once time you were in Israel another the time you were on a west coast and. Then you were down south where where are you What's going on today.

Oh well First and foremost thank you so much for having me and that's a good question where in the world is Kai um I am in Birmingham Alabama right now as we use Kayaksar with some amazing teachers in Birmingham city schools.

I love it. Okay, so you're in the school system. 1 of the things I love is and especially for those that may be tuning in right now. We also offer a youth program and but but but but Bu Kay Xr is coming into our portfolio for the youth program. So what I love is that? Um. You're using revolutionary technology and I think our work overall in a wearable tech space and especially with kayxr is changing the way that not only students learn but providing an innovative way for teachers to communicate lessons so you have. Ah, background as a teacher right? Okay so tell us a little bit about that journey and give some hope to some of these teachers that you know maybe be wanting to strangle somebody or you know they they might then going through some things out there. So tell us about that teacher journey and how that brought you to today.


Sure so my background is being a middle school history teacher. So yeah, it's a special place for me and heaven. But I love working with all the kids of a little extra character if you will um so I taught in Virginia in.

Woe. So.

And even Northern Virginia right outside of Washington d c and the challenge I had with my school is that we struggled to pay for the school buses to go on field trips. So even though we were about twenty thirty minutes from the free smithsonians that um, we still couldn't afford the buses to go there so it was very challenging to go. And then 2 my school really struggled to bring our students technology so we had to bring your own device policy which meant if 1 student had a smartphone another had a tablet we would encourage the students to bring that to school that day we would figure out how to Jimmy the wi-fi and that's how we ran class. So those. Ah, those 2 challenges ah were very frustrating for me. So I decided that I was going to find a pathway out of the classroom and to the history museums to see if I could figure out how to get the students on these field trips once I got to the history museums I realized that. Many of the museum educators had never stepped foot in the classroom. So there was a big disconnect. Why? Um, you know for a lot of the museums that are incentivized federal museums um are not incentivized so much on visitation. That's not how they make their money because it's free. Um, so that's not the driving factor.


Um, to getting people in the door. Always um, still a factor but not always a driving factor. Um, so I want to see if there's a way that ah we could get kids to the museums in a easier way I started to ask a little bit about ah vr I had seen some Vr in the museum. Um, and I and it was in particular mobile Vr so putting your smartphone that you already have into a cardboard headset and that really opening the door for a full Vr experience. So Um I started to ask the question. Why can't we just film the museum and Vr and bring it to our students down the street and I didn't realize how challenging and complex.

Yes, yes.

And um, you know, just a labor of love of a headache that was going to be a kind of bring that idea to fruition. so um so yeah that was about five years ago and it's just been a lot of a huge journey to get there once I saw I started talking about the idea in Dc. Most people told me I was crazy. Um I had went to visit Silicon Valley 1 time chaperoning kids in the field trip and that was my first time being in the bay in Silicon Valley and talking to people about my idea and in ah silicon valley they all told me that I wasn't thinking big enough.


And that's all I needed to hear so I came back to Dc. Um I sold my house my car and everything I owned and I moved across the country from Dc to Oakland California where I still reside and that was the. First time I had a real amazing community showing into me from every direction I learned all that I could on the floor connected to a lot of great people and really decide I was gonna be on myself and see if I could make this turn this idea into a full company.

I love it. So there's a number of of things that you mentioned there you dropped a number of gems dropped some nuggets but 1 historical factor I want to kind of pinpoint is that you were doing this before the tech ecosystems came into the d and b right? So but.

Yeah I do know Turk flowers was there tech stars in d c.

4 officially tech stars was there before everybody started talking about innovation. They yeah they just came rural. So let me tell you so you so it's so funny because yeah, so you were there I was there before these tech east ecosystems came in I think it's important.

It's way before.

That we bring this to the attention of these governors of other political officials that there were innovators that were here beforehand and the talent in many cases was lost because these areas you know weren't ready and they're still growing and we still support them but I wanted to point that out number 2

Thank you.

You had you had to go elsewhere to where people said okay, not that you're crazy, but you're not thinking big enough and so I think there's a nugget there for folks that may be facing some resistance ah shameless plug get my book rejection to a reward. But. Ah, where you may be facing some resistance in your idea sometimes you just got to get out of your current environment and go somewhere where people might think a little bit differently and then get that support that you need and then 3 you you got that green light over Era and you just said I'm selling it all tell us what that process was like because you know we hear. People say Oh yeah I sold this or I worked out of a garage but what did you really feel I mean what did your family say because let's just be real for the for the innovators and the founders that we're talking to okay those that are underestimated under resource or whatnot putting it all on the line is a big deal. What what happened what was going through your mind and your heart and what were people saying.

Um I think about this a lot because um, people always tell me I have vision or I'm a visionary just throw the word vision around and I always think like well whatever leave me alone? Um, but I realize that. Vision really boils down to I can see things that other people cannot see um and I have to have empathy for people if they don't see what I see I mean it wasn't for them to see you know it is a idea I have 1 friend don also in the Dmv Maryland area um

Who who.

Here here.

Her company ritual is but she always says the audacity above it. Yes, Absolutely I got guess like I get the full name I don't believe in his name I get the full name and shadow but she always tells me the audacity of our dreams right? So um, it's not for other people to see so.

You know one of her mentors right.


Um, people out of love and concern will give you advice based on that love and I also had somebody respectfully I'll say this comment tell me that you should never take advice from someone if you're not willing to trade places with them. So if I'm wanting to.



You know, have this company and do all these things but they've never done it or they don't know the first thing about doing it respectfully they're probably not the one to be giving me advice. Um because they're going to give you advice out of love which really turns into fear. Um I had a lot of friends tell me that you can't do is. It's not going to work. You're not going to get pay any money.


I've seen so and-s so do before it didn't work out a lot of people have tried it like that's all I kept getting it kind of reminded me when I was um, studying to be a teacher Virginia has the highest passing scores or practice to teach in. Virginia maybe in another state I may to get like a one fifty but in Virginia out of two hundred and a one eighty nine or something so a really really high passing score and everybody was like oh that's for to me to teach history and everybody told me you're not going to pass it just save your money you go take it 2 or 3 times and that's okay when you get to the third try this and i. And I told them like I don't have money to do this again. You know like I don't but I don't about what you think I don't have that money so I passed it on my first try. But I remember how I almost started to plan my whole future based on what people were telling me so this is the same thing. It was people telling me that.

Um, yes.


I've had friends do it. You know all these white guys go out there and they their companies fail and it's gonna be hard so I was totally no from every angle so I had so I knew enough I've done I was told the same thing also when twitching from museums it took me 5 years to get a job in a museum and everybody told me I was not gonna get.


It wasn't gonna happen I would get paid less and I actually doubled my salary and just took a lot of time I don't think it should have taken me 5 years to get a job in museum but it was possible. Um, so so I knew from that transition I'm being told I was crazy for thinking that every second that I was gonna tell nobody.


So I told very close friends. Um, maybe about 3 to 5 people and that was it and I made a quiet plan to pack up everything to sell everything I gave myself a date and I was out. Um, so I actually my friends do a joke on me I told everybody like oh we're gonna go to a happy hour on Friday and it's gonna be a going away happy hour like for who I'm like for me I'm leaving Friday last day cause I didn't want I didn't want to go to everybody and say like oh I'm leaving I'm leaving and then tell me all their stuff I justt wanted to do 1 swoop. Letting them know I am leaving to see if I can take this idea and make it a reality and if you would like to celebrate with me I will be celebrating at mandu on off 3 and 5 on this day on this Friday and I would love to you know, have youbye to say goodbye and that's what I did.

Okay I love it. So again, you dropped a whole bunch of stuff in there but everybody to pick up and add to their tool belt. So one was that quote you said never never take advice from anyone. You don't want to switch places with is that right? keep folks that right there. Okay.

Place visible? yeah.

And then so you were you were saying that you only told a few people about your plan. You kept it quiet and then you made your move and so I think that that's something important as well for you know, founders in our ecosystem that look up to you because Kaya is Uber is successful. Y'all? Okay, um.

Take it one day at a time one day at a time I hear.

Don't I about your business one day at a time one day at a time. Okay, so since we talk about one day at a time. Let me flip it a little bit because we're in in the cusp of history happening again. We have banks that are failing and as a founder that has been successful in raising funds right? um. How are you navigating that and and what type of tips. Do you have for founders that are currently raising and they might be concerned about the economy right? and and whether they're fundraising or maybe if they're I'm trying to make a decision should they step out is now the time to step out and pursue their dreams.

Sure? Um I I Very much feel like entrepreneurship is very.. It's like divinely connected to whatever you believe in whether it's God the Universe The ancestors were all 3 or more. Um, So it's a lot of. Like deep talks to myself and then other people who are also in a similar position or situation because I feel like we're all like once you realize what your vision is and to trust your vision to go for then it becomes a very small mom people you can talk to about it.


Um, and you don't want their nays saying or their lack of vision which respectfully they just did that was not their gift. That's okay, um, but you don't want that really coming to Cloud you having to do what most consider the impossible and it's gonna feel like it's impossible most days. Um and you have to just.

This is.

Start to piece the one days the second day and the third and just even if you go baby steps you're still going forward. Most people don't take a single step towards their dreams and that's okay, but that's the reality of what it is so I have to talk to myself really really nicely about all these things. Um I know the dismal stats when I first started fundraising I think the stat was that black woman and 2018 out of all the vc dollars distributed 0.0006% went to black women so point three zeros and a 6 so that's when I started to raise money.

Um, wow.

Since then it's got a little bit better. Um, but yeah, but like still a little bit better. So you know all so all of our efforts are moving that needle as well. But you know all the moves I've had to do. The first thing I do when I get to a new area is I try to figure out where are the black women.

Like up to 2% well


I know that will be a solid support system for me I also try to see where I can find the other founders who are doing things. That's what I'm doing right now in Birmingham trying to connect to who else is building who else has been fundraising where are people getting the money from. Um.


Sometimes its reaching out to accelerators and saying like hey like I went through techstar so reaching out to other similar accelerators and saying what programs do you have what events do you throw? what's your ecosystem but a lot of that to make the network. Um so you can have support in doing the impossible. This is not a solo game.

Who who.


This is I don't think I've ever talked to anybody who's doing this by themselves about having some support system whether that be a great team or friends or networks. But this is the hardest professional raising money is the hardest professional thing I've ever had to do in my life. I don't think it should be this hard? Um, but I also remind myself that the numbers are all the same just gets to be more zeros so the same way it's going to be hard to raise $500 it's the same effort in staying on its raise. Ah you know, five half a million five hundred thousand and the same thing to raise 5000000 right is to say one does not wake up and say I'm going to raise money as a day one has a spreadsheet in a you know a somatic process in time dedicated every single day. This is a process money doesn't just fall in our lapse. Um for a lot of us or most of us.


Um, so I think it's just learning the the tools of what it takes in the process of fundraise and having us people to call when it gets to those tough conversations that you may not know how to answer I remember the first time I got a yes to fundraising.

In here.

They were going to give money I was like well how do I get the money nobody ever told me how to have a a wire form to like to talk about how to wire the money and I mean little things like that I didn't know where how to get the money. Um, so I think just having people is seeking you know raising money is all is raising money. It was also relationship building.



So you're building relationships that will help you every step I may have vcs that didn't give me money but they helped me think through this I am a friends who are studying to be Vcs and they tell me what they're learning, but we all I have a lot of founders who are raising money and we talk to each other about deals and what investor did write by you.


There's a lot of ah back work just to get to the check.

Um I love that and ah for those of you that are listening. Make sure you tune into that episode where we feature Eric Mckinney our accountant he talked about preparing founders to raise funds. And Kai you brought up a great example now that you got that verbal commitment what you do next and maybe we'll have to come back and find some time on your schedule girl and record that workshop for founders because that's incredibly important. Also we do have and yes we.

Due Diligence people don't talk about that like all getting the yes is just halfway through the process.

Yes, there's more to it. So the beautiful thing about our warbo tech global ecosystem folks because we do have representation in 4 Continents we do have investment partners and so that's the beautiful thing about being in our ecosystem is that we help to provide those connections and those research partners and. Um, all those other folks that corporate partners that may be interested. That's the beauty of having that one stop shop here because we get you now. Let's talk about this the metaverse because so many people don't get the metaverse right? And so Kai you are centered in the metaverse. So from your perspective can how do you explain. The metaverse to educators. Um, and then let's start there. How do you explain that the metaverse to educators and then how do you explain that to students.

Sure I explain it the same way because students and or I'll say educators are students usually have a better grasp of it than Educators do and I also mean that and of all due respect. Um kids are just they've you know they've grumbled the tech in their hand that doesn't mean they know how to use it.



But they they've been aware of it longer than um, some other groups of folks. So I tell people if you're not a master than metaverse nobody is. It's okay um I I really start with saying that the metaverse is an idea that's still being created.

Who hits.


And it will be created by each and every one of us we all have a role to play in the metaverse. So just first and foremost um you know you have a role here. You have a space here. Um, second you know it is the next iteration of the internet. So when you think about you know internet. Um, when it first came out.


And making just plain text websites. You know like we as black people weren't really all been there. We we wouldn't we didn't know what was going on as much we were kind of slow to the party then the next wave when the internet became more social. You know web 2.0 if you will.



Um, That's all your social media and you could actually have conversations and talk back and do all these different things. We were kind of certain starting to get our way there. Um Well three point zero is when you can actually kind of step into it and do some other things to the internet and that's you know whether it be your. Ah, Nfts or your cryptos or your metavers all these different things. We now have the tools to know we have a place here and we can make a place in this new? Um, ah these new Worlds I Tell people that when we're doing the metaverse. Um, when we're teaching kids they're creating worlds.


Um, and when we put 2 worlds together. They're creating universes. So we're teaching kids like what is the universe that you want to make how will it sound what will you do there? What will you look like what shoes. Do you want to wear what what do you wear clothes you wear. She did something different. Whatever the rules are.


That's on you. How we you talk to each other. Will you talk to each other will you but you know so all of those things if you think about different games metavers games whether it be like roblox or fortnite or minecraft or um, you know if it's using Vr heads of using Ar. There's so many different things that you can do in this space.

Here who.

However, I think what we do at kaxar just really making sure people have to can the tools are accessible so they can start creating in the metaverse because we're going to need all these diverse voices to create the metaverse we deserve and if you think about the internet. And even Tv it's we I don't know we're still in a place where we can see ourselves represented from all cultures. We're still fighting for that. Um, the metaverse right now we can jump in right now and bring our own stories and really get the metaverse. We deserve.


That's what I love about the world of wearable technology and so again, the Vr piece is a significant portion of that a lot of folks tend to think that oh you're only health related now vr is significant in that gaming piece and so the students that we work with have. Have been taught how to develop worlds or a roblox certify provider. Hopefully very very soon. We're going to make sure that we are licensed only with kayaxr products you know for our all of our programs that expand around the globe and so Kai you said a couple of ah great things there. That we all have the opportunity to contribute to that and again going back to history. We are in the most historic moment of time where we are all learning and developing the future together if we choose so if anyone gets left behind. But the exception of you know the economic disparities right? But if if anyone is left behind outside of that is due to choice right? and and exposure and that's why it's so important that you are in your space and continuing to develop and to continue to. Um, advanced teachers and educational systems and whatnot all right? So let's break it down. What is a kxr experience. What could someone expect? Ah you know if they're integrating this into their curriculum is this something that they can incorporate year-round. Is. It.

What are some of the things I know you've done some things with like baseball and some other things so share exactly what you created and how folks can integrate this into their systems.

Sure So Kayxr is a learning platform that increases classroom engagement by really bringing the tech to students they know and love the technology we choose to use are In-demand Technologies Technologies that will. Um, be at the forefront now and in the future and if the kids can start using it now then they have a head start for their future similar to the way kids love using snapchat but they don't realize that they're using Ar skills and they can have their own Ar careers. Um, you know, ah that are endless.

It is.

Ah, if they know more about what they're using and have more experience using it. So at Kay Exar we are enhancing a typical classroom while letting kids go on experience things like our 100 plus virtual field trips and even our metaverse maker spaces. So what that will look like is if I am a teacher.


Teaching the solar system I can have my students go on a virtual field trip through the solar system they can come out take a quiz to test their comprehension then they can make their own metaverse maker space and make a solar system and arrange the planets make sure they're their correct size. The correct. Facing and then we have an extension of that activity that puts you on a mission to Mars that you're actually coding out your rocket ship to stop at the planets and go back and forth. So and when you're done. You get a grade for the work that you've done um, goes back to the teacher and you can use it for different subject areas. So.

I Love it.

Um, if you're in a typical classroom. Maybe you have the students make a powerpoint or you have them sketch out a picture which are are all great but we want them to also have some touch pointss to emerging and in-demand technology. So when they're done. They can be by Kaxr using a RVrXrAi The kids come out. Knowing the basics of ArXrAi all these things that they wouldn't have because we we like to um, silo them to Stem programs or steam programs or you know we can only use use it in science we have teachers who are doing a virtual field trip where they are um.

This is.

Doing laundry throughout the world. So the virtual filter takes them through like Tokyo and New Delhi the us and Mexico and what does doing laundry look like and then when they come out they can use Google earth to ah like a 3 D Earth basically to go ahead and plot all the locations they saw lab student longitude. So really.



Taking what you would learn normally I was have in a textbook where they would see the picture and see on the map. They can actually start to use 3 d spaces to envision that as well. So just bringing emergring technologies and in-demand technologies and now technologies into the everyday classroom. Also works on all devices so smartphone tablet and even vr headsets and the big innovation is um, our stuff will run on any web-based browser most metaverse companies you need a very expensive laptop or strong internet connection.


We will run on a 5 g signal and a smartphone if you will to get kids connected to the future.

I love it folks accessibility and that's why it's important that we are out here developing this technology right? Kayxr absolutely love it. So folks you can perhaps see test and use kayxr will you participate with verable tech ventures. Ah, during our hackathon as well as our intensive summer learning experiences in camps and perhaps at a school district near you. I'm super excited about all this so Kai I know you are on to go. You got so many things happening but what are you excited about for the future.

Wow. Okay, well I'll go for long shot. What I'm excited about for the future is us equipping kids to build in the Metavers. So We slowly get the metaverse we deserve I'm saying slowly maybe fast I'm also excited for teachers stepping up. Have the tools needed to lead the way to usher these students in these new spaces because one of my pet peeves is we just throw tech at students without helping them understand it learn how to use it. So I think we're also really closing that gap too and that's really changing the culture of innovation and education. Um, that really my team is a team of educators that are working really hard to build the tools we need for our students. Um, so I hope that long term what I'm looking forward to is teachers stepping up to really ah be the subject matter experts. They are to pave the way for the future because. Teaching that we do now it all plays into the Future. So That's what I'm really excited for um, short term I'm excited for Kxr to continue expanding to different schools and school districts and steam programs in the Us and beyond.

I Love it So Kai if someone wants to work with you or get a demo. Um, how should they contact you and what type of timelines should they expect.

Yeah, so they can go to our website. Ah w w w kai k a I x r dot com and we have when you get to the site it says for teachers for schools and for steam programs. Um. Click on the 1 you want. We will go ahead and set you up with a demo or answer questions. Whatever you need to get started. You can contact us as well and we will answer any these smaller questions and then if if there's always any we do a lot of our work through corporate sponsorship. So example t-mobile. Sponsor is our work in our juvenile attention centers in houston texas. So if there's also any sponsors. We have a sponsorship page too that talks about the impact you make by partnering with kayxr to making sure this tech gets to the students who need it the most.

Folks you heard it there and so I'm excited because last year our students were able to develop pitches and to deliver them to corporate sponsorships. So I'm excited about them becoming creators in the metavers. So that ah no'll show to you too cause I love you? too we love you but we know that we're building at generation. That's gonna be the metaverse creators and build some wealth there and I know that with the curriculum and with the training that kxr provides in partnership with we'reable tech ventures. We're gonna achieve that goal and make sure that the right voices are there that they have a platform so that we can. See what the future is going to be because guess what we're responsible for this is so exciting all right? So kai what are your social media channels and where do you want folks to follow you for updates and all that other good stuff.

Sure, um, they can follow explore kaxr on social media. That's our our handle our slug on Facebook it's our Twitter account is explore. Kayaxr Linkedin is Kaaxar. Um, and then I am on Instagram as Underscore K A one and I'm on Twitter as 2 underscores k a 1 but you can put Kay X R and I'll pop up there too. So yeah, we were were very easy to find.

I love it. So folks. You heard it here first. Make sure you're following ah kaxr on social media. Make sure you go to the web page and then see all the cool stuff that they've created so not only from like the lesson plans for teachers. But then also those other cool experiences with like field trips and whatnot I'm super excited. We're taking over and this is season 3 of where'll take over didn't I tell you this is gonna be fired. You should have heard me say that in season 2 right? because that tells you we were gonna bring you more founder stories and this was super special. So Kai. Thank you so much I know you are incredibly productive right. Building relationships because I don't want to say busy you are incredibly productive and that's what we need. So thank you for being a model for us and for all of our founders and for all of the other youth entrepreneurs that are coming out of our ecosystem and we're excited to be a partner and go into the top. Folks you know what to do check the show notes make sure you're following give us a review. Did you like this I know you did go ahead and tell us all right? So we'll see you next time on the next episode of workful takeover.

You are.